Greater Trochanteric Pain Sydnrome (GTPS) is a combination of both gluteal tendon injuries, tendinopathy and bursitis surrounding the hip joint. GTPS can be caused by direct trauma from a fall, prolonged pressure to the hip area, repetitive movements (walking/running), commencing unaccustomed vigorous exercise, weight-bearing on the one leg for long periods, hip instability or the result of a sporting injury.
Mike Christofis can help to diagnose this condition and treat it successfully.
Treatment may include:
• The patient rests sufficiently from ANY activity
that increases their pain until they are symptom
• Pain management
o Pain coping strategies so that you have
effective tools to manage episodes of pain
o Re-education of normal posture and
movement patterns
o Workplace assessment and addressing
ergonomic factors
• Address movement behaviours that you may
have developed that are not helpful
• Joint mobilisation
• Exercising into pain must also be avoided
• Exercises
o In particular strengthening exercise should be
the mainstay of treatment
o Pain-free flexibility and strengthening
exercises as part of their rehabilitation to
ensure an optimal outcome.
o Stabilisation exercises for the abdominals
and lumbar spine that strengthen the core
muscles, as well as various moves to stretch
the hips, including gluteal, flexor, IT band, and
hamstring stretching exercises.
• Activity modification advice & balance/agility
training & gait training
• Anti-inflammatory advice
• Soft tissue massage
• Biomechanical correction which may include
body mechanics training
• Dry needling
Call Manjimup Physiotherapy today for help with this painful condition.