Back Pain

Around 80% of people will experience back pain at some stage in their life. For some, chronic back pain can have a detrimental effect on their lifestyle. Back pain can often affect a person’s ability to perform even the most simple daily tasks. Numerous structures in our spines can cause pain; muscles, nerves, ligaments, discs […]

Christmas Injuries

With all the hype and demands surrounding Christmas time, it’s no surprise that thousands of people are injured every year. A little more patience and caution, could drastically reduce the chances of holiday-related injuries. The injuries that are surprisingly common: Back Injuries caused by Lifting Poorly lifting the Christmas tree, frequently climbing ladders and lifting […]

Family Exercise

As a parent, it is important to encourage children to be physically active. A child should try to do at least 40–60 minutes of exercise each day. To achieve this goal, plan some family togetherness time. Here are some easy ways to reach that goal together. Treat your dog to daily walks that include the […]

Farmers & Physiotherapy

Sitting on a tractor, day in, day out is a sure way to strain muscles and cause back pain. Farmers suffer from feet, knee, shoulder and a variety of back problems, caused by the repetitive physical work they must do to maintain their livelihood. Regular physiotherapy checks will help maintain and keep serious issues at […]

Football Injuries

With the AFL finals being conducted this month we are certainly going to see some rough & tough footy as the eight final clubs strive to win the 2018 Premiership. At this time, many local competitions are wrapping up & the footy at these levels will be just as intense & many players are likely […]

Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS)

Greater Trochanteric Pain Sydnrome (GTPS) is a combination of both gluteal tendon injuries, tendinopathy and bursitis surrounding the hip joint. GTPS can be caused by direct trauma from a fall, prolonged pressure to the hip area, repetitive movements (walking/running), commencing unaccustomed vigorous exercise, weight-bearing on the one leg for long periods, hip instability or the […]

Pre & Post Natal Care

Pregnancy can cause women to undergo many physical changes. Hormonal changes prepare the body physically for birth, causing postural changes and in turn a level of discomfort and stress which is different for every women and every pregnancy. Physiotherapists are trained in pre and post natal physiotherapy, specifically designed for your individual needs. Pre and post-natal care […]

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Delayed onset muscle soreness (D.O.M.S) is a medical condition that is characterised by the stiffness, tenderness and pain in muscles several hours after performing a strenuous physical activity. When muscles are stressed, small microscopic tears occur in the ligaments, coupled with the stiffness and inflammation that accompany these tears, causing the pain and fatigue. The […]

Children and Sports Injuries

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 6 out of 10 children aged between 5 and 14 years participate in organised sports. Still more participate in informal recreational activities. Although sports participation provides numerous physical and social benefits, it also has a downside: the risk of sports-related injuries.   Common sporting injuries: Joint sprains – […]

Core Stability

There are many myths and misconceptions about core stability which has become a popular concept in both the rehabilitation and fitness industries in recent years. Everywhere you look, social media, television, online, emails and even women’s magazines now implore you to ‘train your core’. Physiotherapists are seeing an increasing number of people who have fallen […]